P.1 Maths文字題小知識 (30-1.8.22)sample by learn through play
P.1 Maths文字題小知識 (30-1.8.22)sample by learn through play
Educational Counseling team with professional counseling training
Wan Yan Integrative Counselling Centre is a social enterprise that provides all-round education and counselling, mainly providing community support, family services for children and adolescents, emotional counselling, learning support, and providing different art, music, and art courses to facilitate the physical and mental health development of children, adolescents and family education social workers. Undertake the mission of working together to educate and serve the society, so that children and young families can have equal opportunities for education, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, and promote family harmony.
Platform Services
Wan Yan International Education Counseling Platform is committed to advocating educational equality and the importance of professional counseling to well-being, breaking through the expensive fees of traditional brand-name education and private tutoring, and creating an inclusive education and counseling resource platform that allows families to have high-quality and preferential education and counseling online services/teaching resource courses regardless of poverty or wealth. In addition to providing online parent-child education, learning support, and emotional counseling, Thematic courses such as music therapy and play elements are integrated into social life and psychological growth, and members can also log in to the online counselling chat room provided by the platform, the education social worker will provide basic education counselling consultation and care hotline, and parents and children can join the special parent-child chat room to talk to each other in the online confidential chat room.
Wan Yan Integrative Counselling Centre is established by a group of enthusiastic counselling and education teams who have received professional counselling training from universities. The founders of the Centre are United Kingdom Registered Music Therapist with a Master of Education in Child and Adolescent Counselling from the University of Cambridge and a Master of Education in Education from The Education University of Hong Kong,Other members include counselling psychologists, registered social workers, accredited play therapists, art therapists and experienced counsellors.
Our mission is that everyone including children, youth and family in the society regardless of their backgrounds should have equal oppotunity for affordable and qualified education and counseling. and organized intercultural education and wellbeing project for children, adolescents and parents, educators, social workers as well as family memebers individually or in organizations and educations sectors such as primary schools, secondary schools, university colleges both in HK and UK.
P.1 Maths文字題小知識 (30-1.8.22)sample by learn through play
本手冊就著六個自閉症學童於學校常遇到的問題( 情緒控制、適應新環境、掌握新規則、自我
管理、認識新朋友及理解他人感受) 而編寫了六個章節,內容除了包括說明問題成因和處
涵蓋常見題型(閱讀理解,詞語填充,標點符號,重組句子,改寫句子,排句成段,改正錯別字身等) 幫助學生輕鬆取分
涵蓋閱讀理解,grammar, tenses, vocab等必考課題
5. 會話班
Related Keyword : 天書 英文 | 看圖作文 | 看圖說故事圖庫
P.1 Maths文字題小知識 (30-1.8.22)sample by learn through play
小四至小六 每週5天 每堂2小時 時間: 4-6pm 實體小學補習班 *教導校內功課 *溫習默書,測驗,評估 上課地點:新蒲崗廣埸1樓 B66 每月$2400 會員優惠9折: 每月$2160 (公眾假期/星期日休息) 線上zoom功課輔導 1對1 每月4堂$600 每月8堂$1200 上門功課輔導 1對1 按年級 $200/hr 起 視乎地區 會員9折 *請先在網上預約上課時間, 開放時間為星期一至六下午3-6pm 查詢Whatsapp: 67446397
The Grand Oasis, 1/F, 2 Qibao Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon
(Diamond Hill Station San Po Kong Exit A2 About 10 minutes walk in front of Canossa Primary School)
Tuesday to Friday
12:00-8:00 pm
2:00-6:00 pm
2:00-6:00 pm
Phone: 5506-1010
Whatsapp: 6744-6397